
The processes of globalization and internationalization are deepening every year. The question of the competitiveness of an international company is important because the goal of any company is longterm market leadership and increased profits. By competitiveness we mean the company's ability to operate in foreign markets, achieve high results and leading positions in a competitive environment. Competition is intensifying, more and more new international companies are entering world markets and occupying leading positions, which complicates the situation for companies that have been operating for some time. Therefore, the primary task of any company is to increase its level of competitiveness and ensure a leading position in the market in the long run. In today's business environment, the competitiveness of an international company is one of the main factors in the company's "survival" in the market. We believe that the integrated characteristic of competitiveness cannot be a grouping of a limited number of quantitative indicators, as it is a qualitative category. The purpose of this article is to determine the level of competitiveness of an international company on the example of PricewaterhouseCoopers based on the proposed methodological approach. Research methods include the following: system-structural analysis, systematization, deduction, abstraction, induction, comparative analysis and explanation. PwC is the largest professional services company operating in 150 countries and the largest accounting firm. PwC is a leading service company operating in the business-to-business market. It has received high brand recognition for excellent service performance. PwC uses a wide range of promotional activities in its marketing mix in order to keep a fresh image in the minds of its customers. By calculating the ratios of autonomy, financial dependence, liabilities, financial stress, current liabilities, long-term liabilities, quick liquidity, investment and the share of stocks in assets and working capital in assets, you can determine the level of competitiveness of an international company.

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