
Clubroot disease of Chinese cabbage has extremely occurred in recent years. Conventional soils such as sandy loam soil (saprolite) and clay soil (yellow soil) as bed media combined with field soil application of fungicidal chemicals were tested for the control of clubroot disease. Using sandy loam soil and clay soil as plug seedling bed media efficiently reduced clubroot disease occurrence down to 21.7% and 14.1%, respectively compared to peatmoss (75.7%) and Baroco soil (36.6%) when seedling plants were transplanted into previously-infected Yoncheon field. Application of flusulfamide and azoxystrobin to previsouly-infected soil prior to transplanting also effectively reduced disease incidence, especially when combined with growing seedlings in sandy loam or clay soil media. In conclusion, flusulfamide application prior to trnasplanting as well as utiliz-ing sandy loam and clay soil as a plug bedding media may effectively reduce the occurrence of clubroot dis-ease of Chinese cabbage.

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