
Part I of this study analyzed the effects of tilting pad bearing designs to reduce the stiffness of the bearings used in a process high-speed lightweight centrifugal compressor intended for a domestic refinery use. This was done in an attempt to enhance the robustness of its rotordynamic stability against possible aerodynamic cross-coupled stiffness. The bearing design variables reviewed were the clearances, LBPs, LOPs , and preloads. The results showed that there was practically no difference between the LBP and LOP designs in terms of the bearing stiffness, because the compressor rotor was lightweight and the bearings had relatively high preloads. Increasing both the machined and assembled clearances in bearing designs has resulted in the bearing stiffness being greatly reduced. In addition, it has been confirmed that an additional reduction in the bearing stiffness can be obtained for given fixed machined clearances by decreasing the preloads, i.e., by increasing the assembled clearances. Keywordsprocess compressor (프로세스 압축기), rotordynamic stability (로터다이나믹 안정성), effects of bearing design (베어링 설계의 영향), tilting pad bearing (틸팅 패드 베어링), reducing bearing stiffness (베어 링 강성 감소), bearing clearance (베어링 틈새)

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