
The purpose of the study is to identify the features of rendering nonce words in D. L. Shepelev’s and D. N. Tselovalnikova’s translations of George Orwell’s dystopia “Nineteen Eighty-Four”. Main attention is paid to the vocabulary of “Newspeak”, presented in the appendix to the novel - “The Principles of Newspeak”. The paper determines the extent to which the translations of nonce words conform to the principles of compression, euphony, semantic transparency of the components and the principle of morphological uniformity. The paper is original in that it is the first to analyse the approach to rendering individual nonce words used by a representative of V. I. Bakanov’s school (D. N. Tselovalnikova). As a result, it has been found that both translations involved the use of such techniques as reduction, interfixation, calquing, transliteration and replacement of one or both parts of a compound word. The study also elicited deviation from the key principle of “Newspeak”, according to which a lexical unit should not contain more than three or four syllables. The principles of euphony and semantic transparency of the components are followed in most cases. Besides, the study revealed the difference in the translators’ attitude to the principle of morphological uniformity (according to which the same morphemes should be rendered identically in different nonce words).

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