
Introduction. The article highlights the problems arising in the field of higher education in connection with the introduction of digital technologies in the practice of teaching. Currently, such concepts as information space, information society, digitalization and the like are constant and ubiquitous in cultural and business environment. These terms describe the current stage of development of society, its technological state, the ways of its further evolution, as well as the consciousness and attitude of the modern individual. Digitalization of the educational process as an advanced effective tool provides the teacher with new means of improving the quality of learning through visualization and updating of the studied material, a huge selection of additional resources, as well as encourages the student’s desire for self-education.Materials and methods. In the course of writing this article, the following methods of scientific research were used: analysis, synthesis, abstraction and philosophical generalization, as well as induction and testing. When analyzing the main directions of the use of digital methods in education, a characteristic of the new reality of higher school work is given, the advantages and disadvantages of the formation of a digital educational environment are highlighted.Results of the study. The author comes to the conclusion that the widespread introduction of digital methods leads to a general transformation not only of the industrial and business environment, but also to significant changes in the worldview of new generations, as well as their approaches to obtaining information, its analysis and evaluation, as well as to communication challenges.Discussion and conclusions. The paper concludes, that digital learning, with all its undeniable advantages and wide opportunities, cannot be considered an equivalent replacement for traditional forms of education due to largely limited communication between teachers and students. Other serious challenges of the modern digital society in terms of the educational process are cardinal changes in the thinking of young people due to the difference in their everyday life experience from the routines of previous “predigital” generations. Thus, the optimal solution to the problem of adapting higher education to new realities is an effective combination of the latest resources and techniques with a traditional approach to the process of forming a new personality of the 21st century.

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