
采用水蒸气蒸馏法,从四川省沐川慈竹叶及竹秆中提取挥发油,通过气相色谱–质谱联机分析法对沐川慈竹叶及竹秆挥发性成分进行分析, 采用面积归一化法测定了挥发油中各组分的相对质量分数。实验利用Nist数据库鉴定了慈竹叶中挥发性组分34种,主要为酮(39.59%)类10种、醛(23.69%)类7种、脂(14.16%)类6种、烷烃(12.41%)类2种、醇(4.22%)类4种、萘(4.65%)类5种等,含量较高的有法尼基丙酮(11.74%)、菲(10.60%)、U-紫罗兰酮(7.23%);竹秆中挥发性组分31种,主要为脂(48.92%)类16种、酮(19.53%)类5种、酚(17.00%)类2种、醇(8.50%)类4种、烷烃(3.29%)类1种、酸(1.45%)类1种、醛(1.27%)类2种等,含量较高的有2,6-二叔丁基对甲基苯酚(16.48%)、十四酸甲酯(9.34%)、抗坏血酸二棕榈酸酯(8.62%)。该实验结果为了解四川省沐川慈竹叶和竹秆中挥发性成分及进一步开发应用提供了依据。The constituents of volatile oils extracted with steam distillation from leaves and culm of Neosi-nocalamus affinis in Muchuan of Sichuan Province were analyzed by GC-MS and their relative con-centrations were acquired with the method of area normalization. The data obtained by the anna-lysis of volatile compounds are identified by Nist Dababase. There are 34 kinds of compositions identified from the leaves, which are mainly 10 ketonecompounds, 7 aldehydecompounds, 6 ester compounds, 2 alkane compounds, 4 alcohol compounds and 5 naphthalene compounds. They make up 39.59% and 23.69%, 14.16%, 12.41%, 4.22% and 4.65% of the identified compositions respectively. The main components from the leaves were Farnesylacetone (11.74%), Phenanthrene (10.60%), Beta-Ionone (7.23%). There are 31 kinds of compositions identified from the culm, which are mainly 16 ester compounds, 5 ketonecompounds, 2 phenolcompounds, 4 alcohol compounds, 1 alkane compound, 1 acid compound and 2 aldehyde compounds. They make up 48.92%, 19.53%, 17.01%, 8.50%, 3.29%, 1.45% and 1.27% of the identified compositions respectively. The main components from the culm were 2-(tert-Butyl)-4,6-dimethyl-phenol (16.48%), Methyl te-tracosanoate (9.34%), L-Ascorbic acid 6-palmitate (8.62%). This study was to provide the experi-mental foundation for knowing more about volatile compounds and reasonable utilization of Neo-sinocalamus affinis in Muchuan of Sichuan Province.

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