
The article considers the possibility of constructing a mathematical model of the process of mechanical erosion of low-current electrical contact pairs using the MATLAB modeling system by identification, that is, obtaining a mathematical model of a real object based on experimental data presented in the form of algebraic equations.Capacious erosion of electrical contact pairs and the associated transfer of metal from one contact surface to another significantly affects the wear resistance of electrical contacts of relays, potentiometers, potentiometric sensors, encoders, and other low-current switching equipment. However, the size of the bridge during contact erosion, in addition to the current value, is affected by many factors, namely: the speed of closing and opening, clamping force, temperature, pressure and density of the environment, contact geometry, contact material parameters, and other processes. Therefore, creating a mathematical model that would take into account all the factors that affect the capacious erosion of contacts is quite a complex mathematical task. This leads to a wide use of empirical dependencies in the form of fairly simple power functions. The study revealed that the error given by models using power functions is quite high and practically does not differ from the error of models using linear functions. Therefore, to select the optimal cost and wear resistance of contact materials, researchers are forced to use the results obtained by switching tests of contact materials. However, as a result of the research, it was found that in order to reduce the error and obtain a more adequate model, it is advisable to use a quadratic function, the use of which reduces the error by about half.As a result of the study of contact pairs from different contact materials, the following was revealed: the exponential function cannot be used as a model of low-current electrical contact pairs; the linear and power functions give quite acceptable results and can be recommended for use at the initial stages of modeling the process of low-current electrical contact pairs; the quadratic function is a more adequate mathematical model of erosion of electrical contact pairs and the associated transfer of metal from one contact surface to another significantly affects the wear resistance of electrical contacts of relays, potentiometers, potentiometric sensors, encoders, and other low-current switching equipment. However, the size of the bridge during contact erosion, in addition to the current value, is affected by many factors, namely: the speed of closing and opening, clamping force, temperature, pressure and density of the environment, contact geometry, contact material parameters, and other processes. Therefore, creating a mathematical model that would take into account all the factors that affect the mystical erosion of contacts is quite a complex mathematical task. This leads to a wide use of empirical dependencies in the form of fairly simple power functions. The study revealed that the error given by models using power functions is quite high and practically does not differ from the error of models using linear functions. Therefore, to select the optimal cost and wear resistance of contact materials, researchers are forced to use the results obtained by switching tests of contact materials. However, as a result of the research, it was found that in order to reduce the error and obtain a more adequate model, it is advisable to use a quadratic function, the use of which reduces the error by about half.As a result of the study of contact pairs from different contact materials, the following was revealed: the exponential function cannot be used as a model of low-current electrical contact pairs; the linear and power functions give quite acceptable results and can be recommended for use at the initial stages of modeling the process of low-current electrical contact pairs; the quadratic function is a more adequate mathematical model of

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