
Purpose The purpose of this study is to present awareness of the importance of ending life effectively through preparation for death as well as physical and mental health in old age.
 Methods The research method of this study is to discuss the concept of active seniors, the need for well-dying, and aspects of acceptance of death and positive attitude recognition through analysis of key scenes from the movie <Bucket List> that depicts the lives of seniors along with research on related literature.
 Results Active seniors need friends in old age with whom they can communicate with each other and need to reflect on their lives rather than material greed. And in order to end life well, active seniors need to secure positivity for the rest of their lives by implementing their personal bucket list as part of their efforts to minimize past regrets.
 Conclusion It can be said that active seniors in modern society are able to live a vibrant life while securing positivity in life through active participation and are highly likely to die a happy death. The implications of this study are that the characteristics of active seniors and the importance of well-dying are presented in detail through related films. On the other hand, a limitation of this study is that discussions related to active seniors are limited to specific film media.

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