
Polycrystalline spinel ferrites of the composition Li0.33Fe2.29Zn0.21Mn0.17O4 were synthesized by using the ceramic technology method at sintering temperatures of 950 ° C, 1000 ° C, 1050 ° C, and 1100 ° C. Magnetic hysteresis loops and magnetic permeability of the experimental samples were studied in the range of magnetic fields of -400–400 A/m. In the frequency range of 0.01–7.0 GHz, the behavior of the complex dielectric and complex magnetic permeability, as well as the reflection coefficient on a metal plate, are investigated. It was found that the optimal sintering temperature range for synthesized ferrites is from 1050 ° C to 1100 ° C. It is shown that the spinel ferrite Li0.33Fe2.29Zn0.21Mn0.17O4 intensely absorbs electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range from 0.05 to 7.0 GHz. Possibilities of practical application of the obtained results are discussed.

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