
We demonstrate a novel fabrication technology for the microneedle array that can be used in the medical test field, which is transdermal drug delivery and blood analyte sampling. Previous researchers have used silicon-processed micromachining, a reactive ion etching, and molding techniques for the fabrication of microneedle array. However, these fabrication techniques have somewhat limitations apply to the microneedle array fabrication according to its application. Inclined LIGA process is suggested to overcome these problems. This process provides easier, sharper and longer out-of-plane microneedle array structure than conventional silicon-processed fabrication method did. Additionally, because of the advantage of the LIGA process based on mold fabrication for mass production, the polymer, PMMA(PolyMethyIMethAcrylate), based microneedle array is useful as the mold base of nickel electroplating process; on the other hand, silicon-processed microneedle array is used in itself. In thisbr/ research, we fabricate different types of out-of-plane microneedle array, which have different shape of tip, base and hole structure, using the inclined LIGA process. The fabricated microneedles have proper mechanical strength, height and sharpness to puncture human hand epidermis or dermis with less pain and without needle tip break during penetrating the skin.br/

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