
The purpose of the study is to propose the plans promoting IS acceptances under the circumstances where the IS usage is semi-mandatory. Since the IS usage is critical to secure the organization's competitiveness, many researchers have endeavored to investigate the factors in promoting IS acceptance. While TAM(Technology Acceptance Model) has been generally applied under the voluntary circumstance, under the mandatory circumstance did many researchers come to realized the limit of applying the TAM on IS acceptance. This resulted in various research trials to identify the IS acceptance under the mandatory circumstance. However, no research to promoting IS acceptance under the recommend circumstance where the corresponding users are recommend to the IS rather than alternative systems exits. The study applied the concept of switching costs to the research model, identified users' acceptance variations, and finally proposed the promotion plans for IS acceptance. The findings illustrate that IS dependence levels tend to be increased when both user satisfactions from a psychological perspective and monetary benefits from an economic perspective make the switching costs higher. The study stresses that organizations should provide information systems which reduce users' time, costs, and endeavors in performing their tasks, rather than require to use them by compulsion.

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