
The embryology of Victoria cruziana and Nymphaea stellata were studied. The spirally arranged stamens are linear and ovate in Nymphaea and subulate with staminodia in Victoria. Well developed endothecium and multinucleate secretory tapetum are present. Compound viable pollen grains are present in a large number in Victoria besides the normal grains, while in Nymphaea a few small nonviable pollen grains are seen. Dehiscence of the anther is longitudinal and introrse.Ovules are anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate with glandular and aerenchymatous aril. The size of ovules is variable in Nymphaea. A hypodermal archesporial cell forms three to four parietal cell-layer in Victoria and one parietal layer in Nymphaea. The nucellus forms the perisperm in fertilized ovules, its cells and nuclei undergo interesting changes. The nuclei finally degenerate. Perisperm compared morphologically and physiologically with endosperm. The embryo sac development is of Polygonum type. Double fertilization is seen. The endosperm is cellular in Victoria and helobial in Nymphaea.

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