
The behavior of the flying fish spawners was studied through the catch per operation of three purse seine boats in the fishing ground off Hamada, Shimane Prefecture, in late June, 1967. 1. The fishing ground is formed in the coastal area within 2km from the shore with the depth of 10-30m of sandy bottom. 2. The frequency distribution of mean catch is exponential and the coefficients of variation in catch are larger than those of drift nets, indicating that the purse seine is an unstable fishing method. 3. It is seemed that the flying fish are distributed evenly near the surface during the time of 1 to 3pm, while they actively form schools around 4pm and begin to go to the bottom around 8pm. 4. The behavior of the flying fish is seemed to be controlled by luminance in the sea. The school formation becomes vigorous when the light intensity falls to about 5000lux and ends as it drops below 1000lux. The dense schools move toward the sea bottom at the time of weak luminance of several lux.

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