
The article analyzes the features of the burial rite and inventory discovered in the study of burial mounds of the Scythian era on the Chineta-II (burial ground) situated in Krasnoshchekovskiy district of Altai krai (North-Western Altai). The source basis of the study was the results of the excavation of 13 mounds. The resulting artifacts have analogies in the materials of the Pazyryk culture, as well as in the monuments of the Kamenka culture of the steppe and the foothills of Altai. In general, the bulk of the excavated mounds in the framework of the comparative-historical approach is dated 4–3centuries BC. In kurgan N 21 the discovery was made of a unique piece of jewelry — a golden earring with pendants, decorated with the technique of grain. These products are typical for the nomadic cultures of the 6–5 centuries BC, and also have Parallels in the jewelry traditions of Asia Minor, including the products of the Achaemenid circle In mounds №21 and №31 besides the traditional Pazyryk artifacts the discovery was made of the fragments of wooden lacquerware, made in China. The presence of certain features of the burial rite (retracted position and the western orientation of the dead in the grave, the features of the burial structures, inventory, the presence of two graves under one mound, planographics location of mounds, etc.), testifies to the intensive processes of ethno-cultural interaction of the bearers of the Pazyryk culture, the nomads of the steppe and foothill areas of the Altai and Saka tribes of Kazakhstan. Detection of imported items shows the direction and nature of trade and exchange relations.DOI 10.14258/izvasu(2017)2-39


  • The Study of Burial Mounds of Scythian Era on the Chineta II Burial Ground (North-Western Altai)

  • The article analyzes the features of the burial rite and inventory discovered in the study of burial mounds of the Scythian era on the Chineta-II situated in Krasnoshchekovskiy district of Altai krai (North-Western Altai)

  • In kurgan N 21 the discovery was made of a unique piece of jewelry — a golden earring with pendants, decorated with the technique of grain. These products are typical for the nomadic cultures of the 6–5 centuries BC, and have Parallels in the jewelry traditions of Asia Minor, including the products of the Achaemenid circle In mounds No21 and No31 besides the traditional Pazyryk artifacts the discovery was made of the fragments of wooden lacquerware, made in China

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The Study of Burial Mounds of Scythian Era on the Chineta II Burial Ground (North-Western Altai). В курганах No21 и No31 обнаружены, кроме традиционных для пазырыкской культуры артефактов, фрагменты деревянных лаковых изделий, изготовленных в Китае. Наличие определенных особенностей погребального обряда (вытянутое положение и западная ориентация умерших в могиле, особенности погребальных конструкций, инвентаря, наличие двух могил под одной курганной насыпью, планиграфическое расположение курганов и др.) свидетельствует об интенсивных процессах этнокультурного взаимодействия носителей пазырыкской культуры, кочевников степной и предгорной зон Алтая и сакских племен Казахстана.

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