
The b's in magnitude-frequency relation n(M)dM=const.×10-bM dM are obtained for various regions in Japan and discussed in some detail. For the above purpose, the magnitude of earthquakes of hypocenter deeper than 60km and earthquakes of smaller magnitude which are not in “The Seismological Bulletin” are obtained and added to the present data. The range of regions for which the parameter b's are obtained, are determined from spatial distribution of earthquakes. In other words, the so-called “nest of earthquakes” are taken as a unit region.The values of b's are 1.0-1.1 for the magnitude 6 and larger off the Pacific coast of Tohoku-Kwanto districts which is the most active seismic region in Japan for corresponding magnitudes and the b values for the magnitude range of 4 to 5 in other smaller regions, that is, “smaller nests” are around 0.9-1.0.This result shows that at least for the active seismic regions, there are no remarkable difference of the b values among seismically active regions, also there is no significant difference of values between crust and upper mantle.Also, the relation of b, m and β are discussed, where m is the parameter in the amplitude-frequency relation n(a)da=const. a-m da and β is the parameter in the intensity-frequency relation n(I)dI=const, ×10-βI dI.

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