
The authors present the results of studying the leaves water regime of the sea buckthorn 5 cultivars and 16 hybrid forms in the Ukraine’s Lisosteppe. In the recent years the climatic conditions of this region are characterized with the increased average annual temperature, the vegetation period with unstable humidity, the periods without precipitations often occur. High air temperature and its low humidity cause air and soil drought. Such temperature fluctuations and insufficient precipitations amount affect adversely the plant growth and development. This increases the risk of the ovary shedding, decreases the crop quantity and quality, influences negatively the generative buds establishment as well as the future crop. In our researches the laboratory and field methods were applied in order to determine drought-resistant cultivars and hybrids. The leaves water content was analyzed as well as their water-holding capacity by means of calculating the water loss per time unit when withering artificially, exposing the leaves in the conditions of drought. Taking into account the changes of the leaves water-physical parameters, new perspective sea buckthorn forms were selected with very high drought resistance – 1-15-2, 1-15-5 and 1-15-11, while 1-15-6, 1-15-1, 1-15-3, 1-15-4, 1-15-9, 1-15-10, 1-15-13, 1-15-14, 1-15-15, Chuiskaia , Nivieliena and Hergo were referred to the groups of high and average resistant, and 1-15-12, 1-15-16, Moskovskaia Krasavitsa, 1-15-8, 1-15-7 and Moskvichka to low resistant. New promising forms of sea buckthorn 1-15-2, 1-15-5, 1-15-11 were identified previously as donors of drought-resistance.

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