
he results of studying daylily hybrids (Hemerocallis L.) are discussed. The research goal is tostudy daylily hybrids with different colors, long and productive flowering, and adapted to the conditions of the Altai Region’s forest-steppe. The research targets were as following: the control variety Golden Gift and 9 promising hybrids of 2006-2008 obtained by crossing of the daylily developed in the Altai Region. The studies were carried out according to the gen-erally accepted methodology. In 2015, 2019, and 2020, no winter damage was observed in daylily hybrids. Shoot growth was observed from April 13to April 20; the begin-ning of flowering –from June 10 to August 2. The total duration of the hybrids’ ornamental value made over 2.5 months (from June 10 to September 7). The generative productivity in the studied hybrids was 18-270 flowers per plant. Most hybrids were red in color. The hybrid 20-07-17 had a spider-like flower shape; 3-07-3 -star-shaped; the rest had rounded and triangular flowers. Flower diameter in the hybrids varied within 7.4-16.2 cm; in the control -10.2 cm. The hybrid plants grew in width to 37-62 cm. The plant height varies from 40 to 64 cm which is important for creating flower arrangements for urban and household plot landscaping. All the studied hybrids have high ornamental and productive characteristics; among them there arecan-didate varieties for further selective breeding and expan-sion of genetic diversity. As a result, profusely blooming hybrids of daylily Hemerocallis L.with early, medium, and late flowering were studied; this would allow increasing the duration of ornamental value for more than 2.5 months. The best are the following hybrids: 1-06-15 -tall, red-colored and triangular-shaped flower; 20-07-17 -tall, large-flowered, red-colored and spider-shaped flower; 4-07-150 -crimson-red color and triangular shape ofthe flower; 7-07-5 -bright red color and triangular shape of the flower; 19-08-2 -crimson color and triangular shape of the flower.

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