
The article deals with the religious concepts found in modern Greek, English and Ukrainian proverbs (paremias). The relevance of this research is due to the fact that it identifies similarities and differences of this concept concludes different ethnic groups. They are verbalized not only and not so much in language codes, but in memory of the historical extent of their existence. The results of the analysis of common and distinctive features in three languages are illustrated on the example of the religious concept «Бог / Θεός / God». The religious concepts occupy a special place among cultural concepts. They are a reflection of human mentality, because they permeate all spheres of life. The religious concept is characterized as a multidimensional mystical-semiotical and axeological formation within three major contexts – spiritual world-outlook, cultural history, and linguistic semiotics. The concept БОГ / ΘΕΟΣ / GOD finds its implementation in proverbs, which points to its significant role of everyday life of the Greek, English and Ukrainian-speaking communities. The concept «God» is the basic cultural concept. The Christians believe that God is something unrecognizable and mysterious, and He absorbs the idea of soul, eternal life, kindness, openness and sincerity. Indeed, people in everyday communication use some proverbs and sayings marked by religious concepts. The ideological groups of the concept БОГ / ΘΕΟΣ / GOD were formed on the basis of a continuous sample. The most interesting way is to trace the transformations of certain concepts of culture, which from different perspectives can be considered the key components of the mental peculiarity of the people in one or another historical period. We found some definitions of this concept such as: 1) Owner; 2) Almighty Power; 3) Help; 4) Fair punishment.

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