
Abstract Fal.ca.ti.mo'nas L. adj. falcatus sickle or crescent shaped; Gr. fem. n. monas a unit; N.L. fem. n. Falcatimonas a sickle‐shaped unit. Firmicutes / Clostridia / Clostridiales / Lachnospiraceae / Falcatimonas Obligately anaerobic and chemoorganotrophic. Gram‐stain‐negative curved rods. Motile. Asaccharolytic and grows well in PY medium. Major fermentation products from peptone and amino acids include acetate, butyrate, and branched‐chain fatty acids. Catalase‐negative. Major cellular fatty acids are compounds related to iso‐C 15 :0 (fatty acid, dimethylacetal, or aldehyde). The cell wall contains meso ‐diaminopimelic acid as the diagnostic amino acid of peptidoglycan. The genus belongs to the family Lachnospiraceae in the order Clostridiales . The type strain of the type species was isolated from a methanogenic reactor of livestock wastewater. Almost identical sequences of 16S rRNA gene were detected from wastewater and anaerobic sludge of different countries, suggesting that members of the bacterial group are geographically dispersed and participate in anaerobic degradation of compounds derived from protein. DNA G + C content (mol%) : 38.8 (HPLC). Type species : Falcatimonas natans Watanabe, Kaku, Ueki and Ueki 2016, 4642 VP .

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