
Introduction: Human Cytomegalovirus – HCMV belongs to the β – herpesviruses family and is a double – stranded DNA virus and is a widespread virus, worldwide. In addition, it is considered as an important pathogenic microorganism and there is a risk of causing serious diseases in immunocompromised during pregnancy and in people with insufficient immune system. Also, because of its oncogenic path-way, it can determine the phenotype of specific tumors, such as glioblastoma, which is considered one of the most aggressive types of cancer of human Central Nervous System. Purpose: The main goal of this study is to highlight the role of epigenetic factor EZH2 and as well as RhoA GTPase, in the progression of Human Cytomegalovirus in a specific glioblastoma cell line (U373MG). Method: The main methodology used is Immunoblotting or Western Blot. With this method, we can transfer proteins through polyacrylamide gel to PVDF mem-branes, applying an electric field. Afterwards, we used specially labeled antibodies to success an immune response analysis. Results: Following the above process, some results obtained using glioblastoma cells, U373MG. More specifically, it was observed a tendency to decrease of RhoA between non – infected and infected glioblastoma cells, 18 and 72 hours after HCMV infection. Then, the regulatory expression of epigenetic factor EZH2 was studied in non – infected and infected cells, about 18 hours, but no significant dif-ference was observed in the level of expression of EZH2. Because of that, we used shorter time points of infection with the virus. In particular, in early infection, i.e. 30 minutes, as well as 3, 24, 48 hours there is a similar level of infection in non – infected and infected glioblastoma cells. At a higher time point (72 hours) there is a tendency to reduce EZH2 expression. Eventually, fibroblast cells were studied at 24 hours of infection to compare them with the results of glioblastoma cells and there is a tendency to increase EZH2 in infected cells was observed. Discussion: The experiments have shown that there may be a link between RhoA and Human Cytomegalovirus in glioblastoma cells, which has been shown to affect different time points of infection. In addition, based on the studies performed, HCMV is most likely to related to the expression of the epigenetic factor EZH2, in-fecting glioblastoma cells with HCMV. Considering the oncogenic activity of HCMV, in the progression of glioblastoma disease, more studies are needed in order to further study the mechanisms of interaction of these molecules with HCMV and whether their action is related with the development of infection.

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