
The relevance of the study is that the use of communications and data mining as key strategic resources in public administration is of great practical importance, because information change transforms the culture of the organization and contributes to its change. The purpose of the article is the development of theoretical and practical principles of communication in public administration and administration, conceptualization of new knowledge as factors to increase the efficiency of public administration. Objectives of the study: 1) to reveal how the communication function of managers involves maintaining the development of the organization; 2) to find out the influence of the communication function on the development of public administration; 3) identify the essence of the use of principles and methods of data mining as a key strategic resource of public administration and administration; 4) to form the concept of data-mining in public administration and administration as a factor in improving the efficiency of public administration; 5) to substantiate the directions of optimization of the use of communications and data-mining as factors to increase the efficiency of public administration and administration. Research methodology. Synergetic methodology contributes to the development of self-organization of communication at all levels and the achievement of organizational sustainability. The result of the study. The concept of public administration and administration is based on the implementation of the theory of complexity and innovation, software (software) and information and computer technology (ICT), which contribute to the improvement of the system, which requires flexibility and adaptability to complex operating conditions. Thus, data mining in public administration and administration is the whole process of data mining, the specific application of modeling techniques to data in order to create a model or the application of other patterns and rules in public administration.

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