
Cyber-Physical system(CPS) is characterized by collaborating computational elements controlling physical entities. In CPS, human desire to acquire useful information and control devices anytime and anywhere automatically has increased the necessity of a high reliable system. However, the physical world where CPS is deployed has management complexity and maintenance cost of 'CPS', so that it is impossible to make reliable systems. Thus, this paper presents an 'Autonomic Control System towards High-reliable Cyber-Physical Systems' that comprise 8-steps including 'fault analysis', 'fault event analysis', 'fault modeling', 'fault state interpretation', 'fault strategy decision', 'fault detection', 'diagnosis&reasoning' and 'maneuver execution'. Through these activities, we fascinate to design and implement 'Autonomic control system' than before. As a proof of the approach, we used a ISR(Intelligent Service Robot) for case study. The experimental results show that it achieves to detect a fault event for autonomic control of 'CPS'.

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