
Cognitive dysfunction is one of the manifestations of the neurological complications in coronavirus infection. In this article, we have collected material on the state of cognitive functions aft er suff ering a coronavirus infection with aspects of possible pathogenetic mechanisms and a discussion on the prospects for treatment and rehabilitation. The COVID-19 pandemic, having manifested itself in December 2019, remains one of the most controversial topics in the world to the day. Th e growing number of reports about damage to the nervous system during coronavirus infection suggests that the virus is neurotropic. In the clinical picture of the disease, less attention is paid to such symptoms as severe weakness, fatigue, memory impairment. At the same time, it is this symptomatology that most oft en accompanies patients in the postcovid period and signifi cantly reduces their quality of life, thereby making it difficult to adapt to social and work activities. Th e search was conducted for literatures published within the period from 2020 to the third quarter of 2021, domestic and foreign sources from the Web of Science, PubMed databases were analysed. The search queries were the following ones: “COVID-19”, “cognitive impairment”, “postcovid syndrome”.

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