
The article reveals the peculiarities of the interaction of parents of students with institutions of general secondary education in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The author used methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison, generalization, categorical and functional analysis. In the study, based on the analysis of a wide range of sources and literature, the concept of remote interaction is clarified, which is considered as the interaction of students, parents of schoolchildren and teachers with each other at a distance, which is implemented by specific means of Internet technologies or other web tools that involve interactivity. On the basis of the questionnaire conducted among the students' parents, it was established that they highly appreciate their readiness for remote interaction with the school. Parents emphasize the importance of high-quality technical equipment, the presence of a clear plan of distance activities, the quality and efficiency of feedback. Among the most convenient means of remote interaction with the school, parents note messengers, video conferences and social networks. Voluntariness, promptness of informing and providing feedback, systematicity, individual approach, correctness on the part of the general secondary education institution, availability of a single platform and a clear plan of measures are important for parents of students. It has been proven that the parents of students in general secondary education institutions need to develop the skills of remote interaction, offering them various forms, high-quality and relevant content, teaching, providing support in this matter, increasing the digital competence of the family in general. It can be stated that parents highly appreciate the readiness of teachers for remote interaction with the family in the conditions of a pandemic, but at the same time rate their personal readiness for such interaction and its prospects quite low. Parents consider the following areas of work as the most convenient for remote interaction: questionnaires, parent meetings, specialist consultations, educational seminars, master classes. Among the tools of remote interaction, parents prefer to see such means as: messengers, e-mail, social networks. Key words: school, distance interaction, interactivity.

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