
The current conditions of the three-year Covid-19 pandemic and the martial law in Ukraine have significantly affected the process of studying at Ukrainian universities. First of all, it is necessary to achieve maximum activation and visualization of distance learning. This is facilitated by the use of various digital teaching aids to reduce the time required to present the necessary information and modern technologies in education that facilitate the presentation of material. The transition of the educational process to formats using distance learning has become a challenge for the entire higher education system. At the same time, technical disciplines are recognized as the most affected due to the focus on the development of practical skills and the weak coverage of the curriculum by available digital solutions. Based on personal experience, the authors agree with the views in the professional community on training in quarantine related to the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law, not as a remote but as an emergency remote, which requires the resumption of measures to compensate for the lost time in training, as well as solving technical and methodological problems. The article considers the main directions and the most relevant and promising, according to the authors, ways to use new information technologies in the educational process of students in laboratory classes in the discipline "Metrology, Standardization, Quality Systems" in martial law and pandemic COVID-19 using remote forms of education. The authors, based on personal experience, confirmed by an anonymous survey of a group of students, suggest combining the use of learning platforms such as Zoom and Moodle in laboratory classes. The article presents the results of an anonymous questionnaire, analyzed them. As an example, the method of conducting laboratory classes with a universal protractor UM and a smooth micrometer, using distance learning. The materials of the lesson include addresses of links to video lessons, individual tasks for preparation for the laboratory lesson, individual task for laboratory work in the form of tables.

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