
Abstract - This paper describes the information for quantitative simulation of weakly ionized plasma. We must grasp the meaning of the plasma state condition to utilize engineering application and to understand materials of plasma state. Using quantitative simulations of weakly ionized plasma, we can analyze gas characteristic. In this paper, the electron Ionization and diffusion Coefficients in CH 4 has been analysed over the E/N range 0.1~300[Td], at the 300[°K] by the two term approximation Boltzmann equation method and Monte Carlo Simulation. Boltzmann equation method has also been used to predict swarm parameter using the same cross sections as input. The behavior of electron has been calculated to give swarm parameter for the electron energy distribution function has been analysed in CH 4 at E/N=10, 100 for a case of the equilibrium region in the mean energy. A set of electron collision cross section has been assembled and used in Monte Carlo simulation to predict values of swarm parameters. The result of Boltzmann equation and Monte Carlo Simulation has been compared with experimental data by Ohmori, Lucas and Carter. The swarm parameter from the swarm study are expected to sever as a critical test of current theories of low energy scattering by atoms and molecules. Key Words : Monte Carlo simulation(MCS), Boltzmann equation(BEq), Ionization Coefficients, Diffusion coefficients†교신저자 : 인천대학교 전기공학과 교수․공박E-mail : sn7332@incheon.ac.kr접수일자 : 2014년 11월 13일수정일자 : 2014년 11월 21일최종완료 : 2014년 11월 25일

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