
Minerals are considered one of the components of the economy of any country. The negative side of technogenesis is the emergence of technogenic landscapes with developed exogenous processes. To prevent and eliminate them, biological reclamation is carried out, the most promising direction of which is forest reclamation. In forest reclamation, preference is given to soil-improving tree and shrub species. The research was carried out in the stands of the Caragana arborescens (Caragana arborescens Lam.) on the dumps of the Kursk magnetic anomaly in the Belgorod region of the Central Federal District of Russia. The work on the test areas was carried out according to generally accepted methods. On the sandy-chalk dump of loose overburden, the karagany cultures completely died by the age of 38. On a two-component technozem, with surface application of a fertile layer on a sand-chalk mixture, karagana showed positive results. The maximum safety (84.2-82.0%) is typical for the first four years of karagana's life. It does not depend much on environmental conditions. The growth of shoots in karagana begins only in the second decade of May. Shoots grow most actively in the third decade of May - 43.8%. The average biomass of one karagana bush at the age of 6 years is 503 g. At the same time, the average mass of one specimen of Robinia pseudoacacia is 2264 g. The total supply of phytomass in the 9-year-old karagana plantation is 69.5 c/ha, which is 2.6 times less than in the robinia pseudoacacia plantation. The reclamation role of caragana leaves is insignificant. The tree-like karagana is rich in mineral elements, which is reflected in their accumulation in substrates. The reserves of nitrogen – 4.06% and calcium – 1.46% are especially large in Karagan. The dump is located in the mining production zone, so the iron content in the assimilating organs of karagany exceeds 4 times the content on zonal soils, and titanium - 1.8 times. A significant part of the chemical elements falls on the green parts of plants. Caragana leaves are supplied with: nitrogen - 26.64 kg /ha, potassium - 1.78 kg/ ha, calcium - 17.52 kg/ ha and magnesium - 4.56 kg/ha. More than half of the chemical elements of root systems accumulate in small roots. When they die off, they enter directly into the substrate. The tree-like karagana can be recommended for forest reclamation of technogenically disturbed lands when mixed with more valuable tree and shrub species

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