
The article is devoted to the coverage and the analysis of the main areas of the maritime policy of the Mediterranean states. The Mediterranean Sea is described as a strategic factor in European politics, historical, social and economic spaces. The trends of the modern Mediterranean dialogue are determined. Analyzing the maritime policy of the EU, the southern and the eastern Mediterranean, the main vectors of their development are identified. Some aspects of the EU’s integrated maritime policy, counteraction to narcotic drugs, maritime security, counteraction to illegal maritime migration, protection and prevention of pollution of the Mediterranean environment are considered. The directions of the naval policy of the non – European states of the region are singled out. In the North – African states, it is aimed at countering illegal migration to the EU and conducting naval exercises, while in the Middle East it focuses on the search and the redistribution of hydrocarbon deposits to ensure a stable supply of energy. It is noted that tensions in the implementation of the maritime policy of the states of the Mediterranean region are still in progress, that stipulated by the significant resource, transport and economic potential of the coastal countries, as well as the great social, cultural and religious contradictions that occur among their people. It is noted about the importance of searching for non-divergent aspects and building policies exclusively on a consumer component, but the development of common butt points of interaction and mutual cooperation in the most important spheres of social life – legal, economic, environmental – with the preservation of identity and positive civilizational memory of people and states constructed by them.

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