
The article considers methods of attracting the target audience with the help of information in the form of pictures, videos, text and infographics. The specifics of content marketing tools and its connection with the perception of customers, as well as the complexity and duration of creation are determined. The article also considers an outdated type of content marketing - e-mail marketing and given ways to resuscitate it. The main pros and cons of promotion through content marketing are considered. Comprehensive Internet marketing uses all possible channels of advertising and promotion of resources on the Internet to increase site traffic and sales growth. There are six main categories of areas: search marketing, social media promotion, direct or direct marketing, public relations, video marketing and web analytics. These categories are analyzed from positions that are of interest to the company. The analysis concluded that the need to use Internet marketing as a tool for business development. The potential of Internet marketing is huge, and the opportunities that open up to companies when using it deserve a comprehensive expert assessment and active use. Comprehensive Internet marketing uses all possible channels of advertising and promotion of resources on the Internet to increase site traffic and sales growth. Internet marketing in principle consists of 6 categories: search marketing; promotion on social networks; direct or direct marketing; PR (public relations); video marketing; web analytics. All types of Internet marketing have their own goals, methods and principles of work, but, in the end, the ultimate goal is still to raise business to a new level, increase business profits. The article pays special attention to the blogosphere as the most effective way to advance in the long run in terms of expert component and SEO- optimization.

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