
Goal. To analyze the phytoncidal properties of plants against fungi of the genus Aspergillus. Methods. Aspergillus fumigatus was cultivated on Chapek’s agar. For this, small pieces of affected tissue were processed, and a piece was cut out from the middle and cultivated at a temperature of 22 – 37°C. The method of paper discs was also used in the research process. The peculiarities of the study are given in the determination of the fungicidal activity of medicinal plants: black and Persian walnuts (leaves and fruits of milk-wax and full ripeness), dog-rose (dried fruits and roots), cloves (fruits), calendula (flowers), turmeric, chamomile (flowers) on cultures of Aspergillus fungi. For each plant used, a botanical description was given and the chemical composition was indicated. It was noted that the leaves and fruits of black and Persian walnuts contained juglone, which had bactericidal and fungicidal properties. It was that compound in the plant material that had a significant selective effect on the investigated mushroom cultures. Results. High fungicidal activity of tinctures from the fruits and leaves of Persian and black walnut was established. The pattern of growth of microbial cultures compared to the control was heterogeneous, the colonies were flat, in A. fumigatus they were completely colorless, and in A. niger and A. flavus, discoloration of the colonies was observed in the sectors of interaction with aqueous tinctures of medicinal substances. For all other medicinal plants used in the experiment, the effect on microbial cultures was low. Conclusions. High fungicidal activity of tinctures from the fruits and leaves of Persian and black walnuts was revealed. For all other medicinal plants used in the experiment, a low fungicidal effect on mushroom cultures was recorded. The paper disc method used proved that the aqueous tinctures of the studied plants showed pronounced fungicidal properties against the experimental cultures of fungi (A. fumigatus, A. flavus and A. niger), in particular, A. fumigatus was the most sensitive.

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