
The ancient Ukrainian zoonym “shchur”, which has long been used for various animals, but most often for large burrowing rodents represented in the aboriginal fauna of Ukraine by the genus Arvicola, is considered. At the same time, this name is also used as a synonym for the word “krysa” (= rat), and in this sense is often identified with the genus Rattus (“patsiuk” = rat) to denote various large rodents from distant lands following a principle “ the small = mice, the large = rats”. Therefore, the name “shchur” is often considered ambiguous and thus worth either forgetting or using only for the alien species. Etymological hypotheses are considered, of which the most relevant to zoological specifics is the one that explains the connection with burrows, ground, and night. This set of features determines the general ecomorphological type: large long-tailed underground mouse-like rodents with expressed nocturnal activity, which appearance in human economies is undesirable. The history of use of the name “shchur” in the special literature, mainly in zoological reviews and other zoological studies, in the period from 1874 to 2020 is analysed. The widespread use of the nomen to denote different groups of animals, and especially rodents of the ecomorphological type “large mice”, which are representatives of the genera Arvicola and Rattus, is shown. Analysis of old sources showed that the name “shchur” was originally used as a common “generic” name for all species as well as some intraspecific forms of both genera, with the definition of semantic differences in the species modifier: water, common, ground, nomadic, basement, black, ship, mill, and so on “shchur”. Unambiguous fixation of Ukrai­nian generic names as equivalents to scientific generic names required the typification of all names, which took place in the Ukrainian scientific nomenclature in the late XIX and early XX centuries. As a result, the name “rat” is proposed to be assigned to the genus Arvicola, and for the genus Rattus to be recorded as the Ukrainian equivalent of the nomen “patsiuk” (“rat”). Arguments are presented to recognise the antiquity of the zoonym “shchur” and therefore to recognise its importance for the designation of aboriginal rodent species, and especially of “water shchur” (water vole, Arvicola amphibius) voles of the genus Arvicola in general. The practice of traditional naming of laboratory rats as “shchur”, as well as the use of the name “shchur” with appropriate definitions to refer to other genera, inclu­ding muskrats (“musk shchur” or “musk rat”), nutria (“marsh shchur” or “marsh rat”) and various representatives of distant faunas (bamboo or spiny tree-rats, etc.) in the Ukrainian zoonymics should be abolished.

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