
. The article is devoted to the study of ageism as a form of age discrimination. The peculiarity of age discrimination is that anyone can become its object after reaching the appropriate age. The main thing is that ageism has a dual nature. The first is the level of perception and stereotypes and the second is the level of certain ones. At the same time, the influence on the change of stereotypes is possible only through the sphere of indirect influence - the formation of appropriate cultural norms that would be in opposite to such stereotypes. Also, discriminatory practices may be subject to the legal regulation. It is noted that some of these practices have a marginal origin, because they are on the border between actions that can be clearly defined as direct discrimination and actions that constitute covert discrimination. At the same time, both formalization and prevention of hidden discrimination are very complicated. The possibility of implementing special measures (affirmative actions) to reduce the impact of agediscriminatory practices is indicated in the article. The study of the problem of ageism emphasizes the special nature of discriminatory practices in the field of labor law. The practice of restricting the employment of persons who have reached a certain age is the most pronounced. Such limitations should be considered as discriminatory practices, except when they can be justified. However, such justification must be proven for each specific type of restriction. The concept of presumption of prohibition of age discrimination is offered. The article emphasizes the need of the problem of age discrimination for future researches, including through sociological means. Also, it is necessary to monitor and revise legislation and bills in terms of age restrictions on certain activities.

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