
Abstract : The Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI) which is the Fourier TransformInfraRed (FTIR) spectrometer has been operated by the National Institute of Meteorological Research(NIMR) in Anmyeon island, South Korea since June 2010. The ground-based AERI with similar hyper-spectral infrared sensor to satellite could be an alternative way to validate satellite-based remote sensing.In this regard, the NIMR has focused on the improvement of Cloud data Filtering Method (CFM) whichemployed only one reference spectrum of clear sky in winter season. This study suggests Seasonal-Clouddata Filtering Method (S-CFM) which applied seasonal AERI reference spectra. For the comparison ofapplied S-CFM and CFM, the methane retrievals (surface volume mixing ratio) from AERI spectra areused. The quality of AERI methane retrieval applied S-CFM was significantly more improved than thatof CFM. The positive result of S-CFM is similar pattern with the seasonal variation of methane fromground-based in-situ measurement, even if the summer season’s methane is retrieved over-estimation. Inaddition, the comparison of vertical total column of methane from AERI and GOSAT shows good resultexcept for the summer season.Key Words : AERI, Cloud Filtering, FTIR, Infrared, Remote sensing, Satellite, GOSAT, Methaneretrieval요약 :

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