
In the article the peculiarities of the construction of the form of adagio and its significance in classical dance lessons in the process of preparing choreographers in higher education institutions are considered. The content of the concept of “adagio”, which is defined as a dance form, which consists of varieties of battement development, slow-moving poses (tour lent), port-de-bras, various renverse, grand fouette, tour sur le cou-de-pied, tour in big poses. Different forms of adagio (educational, training, deployed (large), dancing) have been determined and analyzed and their significance in the process of preparation of future specialists in classical dance classes. The article substantiates the method of mastering the adagio forms by students-choreographers in the course of studying the discipline “Theory and methodology of classical dance teaching” at different courses of study. The method of mastering by future specialists of different forms of adagio during professional training in higher educational institutions is in accordance with the content of the work program on discipline “Theory and methodology of teaching classical dance”, taking into account the general principles of education (accessibility, graduality, systemicity). The first course of adagio consists of the simplest forms of releve lent at 90 °, battement developpe, temps lie, port-de-bras, performed at a slow pace and on the entire foot. In the second course of studying the discipline, “The theory and methodology of classical dance teaching”, adagio consists of a variety of coordinated demi rond de jambe developpe, rond de jambe developpe, as well as slow paced ups in 90° in large poses. In the third year, the training of future specialists adagio acquires a finished form, which is complicated by different turns in large poses, long-lasting stability on high pals in poses at 90° with simultaneous transitions from posture to posture with different techniques, preparation for tour and tour in large poses, tour sur le cou-de-pied. At the last course of studying the subject “The theory and methodology of teaching classical dance” adagio consists of a variety of rotational movements – tour, renverse, fouette. Key words: classical dance, adagio form, students-choreographers, exercise, dance movements.

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