
Abstract Assessment for operator’s dermal and inhalation exposure to acetamiprid during cultivation ofwater melon in greenhouse was carried out. For dermal exposure measurement, whole body dosimetry(WBD) was performed as the first trial in Korea. WBD consists of cotton/polyester outer clothes and cottoninner clothes. Hand exposure was measured by washing of nitrile gloves and hands while head exposure wasmonitored by face/neck wipe technique. Inhalation exposure was monitored with personal air sampling pumpsand IOM sampler (glass fiber filter). Analytical limit of quantitation was 2.5 ng/mL. Good reproducibility(C.V 0.99) and recovery (70~119%) were obtained. Field recovery of acetamiprid was77~95%. During mixing/loading, hand exposure of acetamiprid was about 10 times (229.7µg) more than thatof application case (20.9µg). During application, total dermal exposure was 1207.4µg. Exposure of lowerlegs was 1132.1µg, which is 93.8% of the total dermal exposure. Inhalation exposure during mixing/loadingand application was not detected. Margin of safety (MOS) was calculated for risk assessment using maleKorean average body weight (70 kg) and acceptable operator exposure level (124µg/kg/day) to give 140,suggesting that health risk of operator during treatment of acetamiprid for water melon in greenhouse couldbe safe. Key words Acetamiprid, exposure, whole body dosimetry, greenhouse, watermelon

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