
This article is about the three vimokkhas, phalasamāpatti and nirodhasamāpatti described in Vipassanākammaṭṭhāna in Abhidhammatthasaṅgaha. The three vimokkhas of Abhidhamma, that is animitta, appaṇihita and suññata are attained by contemplating the three lakkhaṇas that is anicca, dukkha and anattā respectively. In other words, if one attains magga by insight into anicca, that magga is called animitta vimokkha and if dukkha, that is called appaṇihita vimokkha. In this way, magga obtains the name of vimokkha according to the method of vipassanā, but in case of phala, the way of obtaining the name depending on which process of cognition it is on. In the process of magga, phala get the name as the same of magga, whereas in the process of phalasamāpatti, phala get it according to the method of vipassanā because magga is not arise and phala arise after gotrabhū. However, if it is according to the object and the characteristic(guṇa), it gets the name without difference in the two processes and all maggas and phalas. Phalasamāpatti is the state of complete concentration that is achieved by only saints(ariya), and nirodhasamāpatti is the temporary suspension of all consciousness and mental activities. While phalasamāpatti can be attained by all saints from sotāpanna to arahant, nirodhasamāpatti can be attained only by anāgamin and arahant who have achieved the eight jhānas in the realms of kāma and rūpa. Although the two samāpatti are different in their state and the method of achievement and rising out, they have common thing in that the saints achieve them in order to stay happily here and now.

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