
Chinese Abstract: 港區國安法》立法引起諸多法律爭議,主要圍繞三個方面:一是針對《人大決定》,即中央是否有權直接制定《港區國安法》;二是《港區國安法》的具體内容;三是立法程序。本文對這三方面涉及的主要法律爭議進行了綜述和分析。這些爭議體現出該法的制定和實施既是“一國兩制”實施以來遭遇的最大挑戰,也是內地中國法與香港普通法衝突與互動的集大成者。這部法律不僅涵蓋了此前《基本法》實踐曾涉及的幾乎所有爭議,而且還提出了許多新的問題和挑戰。而且《港區國安法》雜揉了中國內地法與香港本地法甚至英殖時期的法律條文,同時與兩者既有淩駕也有衝突。這部法律在香港的實施,將面臨法律和實踐上的巨大挑戰。除了《港區國安法》本身,許多中國內地法律的概念、精神、條文将籍此法長驅直入,真正成為香港普通法系的一部分,不啻为嵌入香港普通法的一枚中國社會主義法律的楔子,究竟最終是否能使香港普通法獲得新生,還是逐漸支离破碎,有待觀望。 English Abstract: This article analyzes legal disputes arising from the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL) in three main aspects: 1) the constitutional basis of the NSL; 2) contentious NSL provisions; and 3) the legislative procedure. Different opinions from both mainland and Hong Kong legal professionals are introduced in a comparative perspective. The analysis indicates that the introduction of the NSL is the most challenging crisis facing Hong Kong’s common law under the “One Country, Two Systems” framework; meanwhile, the law marks the peak of the interaction between the Chinese Law and Hong Kong common law. The NSL not only embodies almost all the previous legal disputes in the Basic Law fielded but also raises new challenges to the Basic Law and even the Chinese law. As a mixture of Chinese legal elements and Hong Kong laws, the NSL is like a wedge inserted into the Hong Kong common law system. Through this law, many Chinese legal concepts, theories, and rules will be inevitably channelled into Hong Kong’s legal system. It remains to be seen whether the NSL will fragment or breathe new life into the city’s common law system.

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