
The study is focused on an American mathematician’s idiolect by analysis of the protagonist’s direct speech in the film A Beautiful Mind. The ideal scientist’s generalized image followed by the stylization of his idiolect contains the research capacity: this modelled language personality refers not only and not so much to its prototype, but to the stereotype of a mathematician’s idiolect circulated to American English speakers. The study was done by the methodology based on counting the word frequency by using software TextSTAT and comparing the results with the word frequency in the Corpus of Contemporary American English to assess the degree of deviation of the mathematician’s stylized lexicon from an average American English native speaker’s lexicon objectively. The associative semantic analysis of the studied personality’s main metonymic characteristic expressed by the phrase “A Beautiful Mind” located the associative semantic fields of the concept MIND in the native English speakers’ mass consciousness and set the main directions to research the associative semantic fields of the American mathematician’s general lexicon as follows: “Cognition”, “Mental condition” and “Eccentricity”. The further research is focused on the scientist’s vocabulary which is directly related to his professional activity. The structuring the field “Professional communication” (terms, professional slang, jargonisms, nomenclature), studying the quantitative ratios of these vocabulary groups and their contextual links revealed the specific scientific interests, isolation in a team and deviant language behavior. The analysis of the field “Cognition” indicated several nouns and verbs (work, time, number, to work, to win, to lose and others) as its semantic center. The research of their contextual links showed that the language personality’s main value is a dedicated cognitive process consisting in numerical solutions of problems to determine the causal relationships of reality. The solutions are not only thought, but imagined; feelings are also involved in the cognitive process. Multiplicity of solution makes choice important. The associative semantic fields structuring the mathematician’s lexicon are interrelated. There are lexical units (love, bicycle) that carry information in the intersections of the fields implicitly. Such lexical units form symbols which connect the series of heterogeneous concepts in the studied language personality’s mind.

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