
The paper deals with a notion and techniques of so-called inner-biblical exegesis, as applied to varying accounts of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem in the four canonical Gospels, and examines particular modes of establishment and employment of intertextual links, which provided assimilation of veterotestamental prophesies in the neotestamental messianic context. In Mt 21: 1–11, as well as in Jn 12: 12–16, this account contain a direct reference to the prophesy of Zech 9: 9 (on the forthcoming King, sitting upon an ass), which is absent in Mark and Luke. The customary messianic interpretation of this prophesy was corroborated by an implicit association with the Jacob’s blessing upon Judah, where it was used a similar image of a colt, the donkey’s foal (Gen 49: 11). Though neither Mark, nor Luke cite Zechariah’s text, it seems that both of them had in mind Zech. 9:9 and probably also Gen. 49: 11. But Matthew is the only one, who discerns in the prophesy of Zechariah a dual image of a mother-ass and its foal. To explain, for which reason Matthew refuses to identify a banal figure of synonymic parallelism and insists, against common sense, on the fact that Jesus was riding two mounts at once, it can be presumed, that such a forced interpretation was implied by a particular manner of treating the prophetic proof-texts, which probative value could be reinforced by such a kind of hyperliteralist reading, providing its unequivocal application to the person of Jesus Christ.

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