
The most reliable approach to assess the destabilizing factors that exist in 802.11 wireless channels is through experimental research and the creation of empirical models and methods based on them. The application of such models and methods makes it possible to predict the efficiency of channels for both fixed and mobile subscribers, during the design stages and during connection to the networks. But for a certain type of task, it is relevant to evaluate the impact of a particular destabilizing factor on the basic parameters of a wireless channel. This paper proposes empirical models to evaluate the impact of any type of energy and information destabilizing factor on the performance of an 802.11x wireless channel. The model, which contains two diagnostic parameters, allows to evaluate the energy and information efficiency of the wireless channel under the influence of destabilizing factors. The reliability of such a model is high and depends on the standard regression models of the diagnostic parameters, but there is a considerable period of obtaining the result. To improve performance, a simplified model based on the correlation of basic diagnostic parameters was proposed. To verify the models obtained, mathematical studies were conducted based on the data obtained for interference interference as a destabilizing factor. The impact of such interference on the energy diagnostic parameter is insignificant, unlike the information, where there is a restriction of the physical channel resource distributed between all created radio circuits on the network and between combined and neighboring interference interference. All of this leads to a significant reduction in the effective data rate for a particular radio. It has been found that a model with two diagnostic parameters can have high reliability, which increases with the expansion of the database of experimental studies, both for existing standards and for future modifications. The effect of power and information interference factors on the main channel parameters is different, so the simplified model will have an error of estimation, which will increase as the number of interference, simultaneously active devices in the network and the load in the interference network channels increase.

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