
This article discusses some peculiarities of various text to create sociocultural competence of students, provided methodological advice for working with text in Ukrainian language lessons and extra-curricular activities with students 8–9 grades of secondary schools are samples of exercises and tasks for complex work with both artistic texts, and texts of intersubjective content. The texts selected for research combine all th elanguage levels, which allows students to think not formally, but systematically, based on the content, from the context, and the developed system of exercises promotes the formation of research skills, taking into account the individual interests of students, awakens interest in the subject and enriches them with linguistic , communicative and cultural knowledge. Author violates question cultural approach to the study of the text as a form of communication that has great educational and aesthetic value , gives examples of work with students in the classroom and in extracurricular activities on the Ukrainian language, the criteria for selecting texts, describes some aspects of the work of art and texts of interdisciplinary content. The article raises questions about the inadequate level of language and speech skills of modern students, as a rule, students can not make a comprehensive analysis of the text. This can be explained by the fact that pupils of grades 8–9 perceive the text as the main source of educational information, paying insufficient attention to the linguistic means and their analysis, determining their role in the development of their own speech, and as a result, the level of work with texts is low: students inaccurately reveal his linguistic peculiarities; do not pay attention on to the language categories presented in the text, do not pay attention to the repetition; detect inaccuracies in the distinction between linguistic means inherent in texts of different styles; admit violations in the performance of mental actions - comparisons, generalization, modeling, production of own statements. In the article is highlighted, what's causing students' interest in comprehending the secrets of the Ukrainian language, in the laws of development linguistic phenomena through their interrelation and selection of relevant texts and tasks, it is possible to achieve high results in the formation of practical literacy. A text that combines everything linguistic levels,is a means by which to learn to talk, and if not formally detached (as is the cfse in the analysis of isolated words and sentences), and systematically, based on the content of the context. Properly organized work on integrated analysis contributes to a deeper penetration into the content of the text, and also develops linguistic, communicative and creative abilities of students. Through the text, the objectives of training in their complex are realized (communicative, developing, educational).


  • Різні аспекти проблеми формування мовної особистості засобами навчального тексту у школі та ВНЗ висвітлено у працях вітчизняних педагогів-мовознавців

  • Особливе місце в системі роботи з розвитку мовлення учнів належить аналізу тексту, який, на думку М.

  • Деякі можливості використання художнього тексту з метою навчання, виховання і залучення до української історії, культури, побуту розкриті, наприклад, у підручнику «Українська мова» для 8-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів

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Різні аспекти проблеми формування мовної особистості засобами навчального тексту у школі та ВНЗ висвітлено у працях вітчизняних педагогів-мовознавців Особливе місце в системі роботи з розвитку мовлення учнів належить аналізу тексту, який, на думку М. Деякі можливості використання художнього тексту з метою навчання, виховання і залучення до української історії, культури, побуту розкриті, наприклад, у підручнику «Українська мова» для 8-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів

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