
The research purpose is to conduct a comparative analysis of physical development and physical fitness indicators of 7-8 years old girls and boys engaged in athletics. Methods and organization of the research. To achieve the purpose, we used the following methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, anthropometry, integral assessment of physical health according to the method of S.V. Khrushchev, the method of functional tests, the method of control tests, methods of mathematical statistics. The research was conducted at the Sports School of Olympic reserve "Tasma" in Kazan. 57 children (37 boys and 20 girls) aged 7-8 years took part in it. The results of young athletes were compared with age norms of physical development and physical fitness indicators. The research results and their discussion. A total of 1,425 measurements were carried out. It was found that the indicators of physical development and physical fitness of the studied athletes aged 7-8 years old correspond to age norms. The average level of physical health was recorded in 75% of girls and 56.8% of boys. In terms of body length, systolic blood pressure, coordination abilities, boys at the age of 7-8 years old have significantly higher results compared to their female peers. At the same time, boys have lower indicators of flexibility. There were no statistically significant differences in other indicators of physical development and physical fitness, as well as in the rapid assessment of physical health. Conclusion. The results obtained confirm the presence of gender differences in the indicators of physical development and physical fitness of 7-8 years old athletes engaged in athletics. Accordingly, this should be taken into account when planning and organizing the training process with this contingent.

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