
The article is devoted to the problem of discussing the participation of the United States in the First World War at the meetings of the 65th Congress. The importance of the topic lies in the fact that the materials of the sessions of the Congress, being important historical sources, make it possible, by interpolation, to introduce into scientific circulation new data on the entry and participation of the United States in the war, as well as to determine the attitude of American congressmen to this issue. The research is based on the materials of the American Congress, containing resolutions, draft laws and laws, verbatim records. The main ones are: Resolution on the Declaration of War on the German Empire by the United States; "A law allowing the issuance of bonds to cover the cost of national security and defense, as well as the provision of assistance to foreign governments in the conduct of war through the provision of loans"; discussion and amendment of the "Law on the Allocation of Appropriations for the Naval Service for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1917", etc. The author paid special attention to the analysis of the message of the American President to the US Congress dated April 2, 1917. The materials of the meetings of the 65th Congress are located on the official website of the US Library of Congress and contain information about the entry and participation of the United States in the First World War.


  • The article is devoted to the problem of discussing the participation

  • The importance of the topic lies in the fact that the materials

  • The research is based on the materials of the American Congress

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К одной из них следует отнести обсуждение участия США в Первой мировой войне на заседаниях американского Конгресса. Таким вопросом стало вступление и участие США в Первой мировой войне. В ходе его деятельности обсуждались следующие важнейшие вопросы военного времени: вступление США в Первую мировую войну; выпуск облигаций для покрытия расходов на национальную безопасность и оборону, а также оказание помощи иностранным правительствам в ведении войны путем предоставления кредитов; расширение набора представителей национальных меньшинств на военно-морскую службу и пр.

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