
The article deals with the possibilities of integrating media education into the school history textbook (World History. History of Ukraine (integrated course), 6-th class) for the purpose of forming students’ media literacy.School history education in Ukraine is currently impossible without the development of media literacy skills in students. A modern history textbook in Grade 6 should be a source of media education and responsive to learning innovations: to offer an interactive, creative approach to the educational objectives of the lesson. Media education opens up great opportunities, helps to shape the intellectual and creative potential of sixth graders and develops critical thinking in the lesson. It is noted that integrated learning, in which the material is supplemented and repeated in other directions, gives a much better result than traditional study of disciplines.The use of media literacy elements in history lessons in 6-th grade helps students develop the ability to work with different information, critical attitude to it, develops logical thinking, provides informational and emotional saturation of lessons, promotes the interest of sixth graders in the subject, provides communication with life. Studying history will thus allow us to perceive historical events not as a straightforward process, which is recorded in a school textbook. Students understand that events and facts can be interpreted and interpreted differently. Students learn to distinguish facts from thoughts. It has been proved that the problem of integration of media literacy into the school history textbook (World History. History of Ukraine: (integrated course), 6-th grade is little developed and is quite timely.

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