
1) In the relation at the length of DAITO and φ(Diameter of column), Using all sumples, we have a close correlation. but, strictly speaking we can not find a proportional relation. This relation has a close correlation between L of DAITO and φ since aucient, and can find the correlation relation that is a Value of equal to the Shomei. 2) In the relation of heiht of DAITO (H)-φ using all sumples and a lso settin aup a Breadth between 2 streight line, we can not find a close correlation. 3) In the relation of L-H of DAITO, using all sumples, we can find a close correlation relation, and also The Group of sumples having an approximate proportion. On the group of sumples, we can find the Buddist temple that are locatring in Nava and Kyoto district. 4) The correlation relation of L of Hijiki-φ, in Heian periode, has a close correlation than the relation in the Kamakura, and we can not find a close correlation in the Kamakura period, using sumple and setting up breadth of 2 lins. From such a phenomena at the correlation relation, we can see diffirent syatem at proprion from the Heian and Kamakura period. 5) In the correlation H of Hijiki and φ, Kamakura period, we have seen a closer correlation than the relatrn in the Heian period, Using all sumples and setting up a Breadth of 2 line. We have seen a close correlation, the Heian period, using all sumples and setting up a Bneadth of 2 line. In the Kamakura period, we can not see a cloce correlation at the all sumples and set up a breadth of 2 line in the befoer relation, and can find a group of sumples that have a close correlction, but not a proprtional relation. The locaetd center of the smnples (the Buddit temples) is Nara District. 6) In the relation of L of Makito-φ, the Heian period, we have a level of significance 0.01…OK using sumples. Setting up a Breadth of 2 lins, and also we have a level of significance 0.001…OK. In the Kamakura, using all sumples and setting up a breadth of 2 streight lines, we can not find a lerel of significace 0.001…OK, at most. In the correlation relation at a H of Makito-φ, the Heian period, we can taks a level of significance 0.01…OK, Using all sumples and satting op a brendth between 2 lines. Contrary to tendency in the Heian period, we can not take a crrelation in fact in the Kamaknra period. In the correlation at H-L of Makito, we have a closer correlation in the Kamakura period than the Heian period. 7) In the mutual correlation at a dimension of Tokkyo, the location of Buddist Temples that including into a breadth betmeen 2-lines have not a particularly order. 8) In the correlation relation, H, B of Nageshi-φ, The location of Buddist temples that inclnding into the breadth with a proportional relation belween 2-lines is locatiol the East from Kyto. In the correlation, dimension Nuki-φ, we shall he able to find the temples including in to a breadth with proportional relation between 2 lines that is locating at cost sea of Seto and Nara District.

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