
The purpose of this study is to investigate industry-wise employment growth factors in rural areas. Regional economic vitalization is sensitive to internal and external interaction changes among various industrial and occupational sectors. Thus, rural regional economic vitalization requires a comprehensive approach in analyzing industry-dependent employment structures and growth factors in rural areas. However, research conducted thus far has mostly focused on agriculture and farmers. Considering the evidence that rural communities continue to be stagnant and 80% of the rural population is engaged in nonagricultural activities, it becomes necessary to review industry-specific employment change factors in rural areas. This study targeted 5 counties in Chungnam. The results revealed that agriculture, forestry, and fisheries occupied the foremost positions with regard to population employed and regional GRDP share. The influence of national growth on employment and business variation effects was as high as 98.1% and 78.6%, respectively, thus demonstrating the high likelihood of rural economy to be influenced by external factors. Growth in the public sector appeared to support employment structure. Moreover, wholesale and retail businesses, constituting 14.4% of employment in rural areas, showed a strong trend toward degeneration, to the extent that difficulties have been forecasted for the supply of goods and services essential for basic livelihood of the rural residents. The implications based on the above observations need to be considered for policy-making to ensure that industrial structure is modified on the basis of internal demand of the region, and support for small businesses is integrated in rural area development projects.

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