
The purpose of research was to find aerial algae and to investigate the change of color in each class of photosynthetic pigments in five stone cultural properties of Korea. It turned out to be a total of 29 taxa, including as 26 species, 1 variety and 2 unidentified species. Among them, Haplaosiphon fontinalis and Stigonema turfaceum were found to be newly recorded species of Korea. The average Chl-a concentration from the change of color in the stone cultural properties increased as its class; however, the class 5 showed lower values than the class 4, which was shown in previous studies. From the studies of algal distribution, chlorophytes appeared earlier than cyanophytes in stone cultural properties of algal infestation. Also, 50% or more of the five stone cultural properties already appeared to have bio-pollution.ഀ䡹摲潢楯汯杩愀5㔀3㌭㐴Ѐㄹ㜷਀ㄹ㜷ⴰ〰琁ŲȌ蠀᧫鉡??%%FlemerD뇜墠ࡔ?Ȇ刷ĞĎFlemer D. and Sherk Jr. J.A. 1977. The effects of steam electric station operation on entrained phytoplankton. Hydrobiologia 55: 33-44 樃᠀䩏剈䉋弲〰㡟瘲㍮ㅟ㌱弰㐶销䅢畮摡湣敳映慵瑯瑲潰桩挠慮搠桥瑥牯瑲潰桩挠湡湯灬慮歴潮⁡湤⁴桥⁳楺攠摩獴物扵瑩潮映浩捲潢楡氠扩潭慳猠楮⁴桥⁳潵瑨睥獴敲渠乯牴栠卥愠楮⁏捴潢敲‱㤸㘉G敩摥爬⁒᠀䨮⁅硰⸠䵡爮⁂楯氮⁅捯氮〰㈲ⴰ㤸㄃1㈳Ā㈀1㈷ⴱ㐵Ѐㄹ㠸਀ㄹ㠸ⴰ〰⸀桴瑰㨯⽤砮摯椮潲术㄰⸱〱㘯〰㈲ⴰ㤸ㄨ㠸⤹〱㘵ⴷᰀ㄰⸱〱㘯〰㈲ⴰ㤸ㄨ㠸⤹〱㘵ⴷขȌȌ蠀᧫鉢??%%GeiderR뇜墠ࡔ?Ȇ刷ƸƨGeider R.J. 1988. A abundance of autotrophic and heterotrophic nanoplankton and the size distribution of microbial biomass in the southwestern North Sea in the October 1986. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 123: 127-145 턁᠀䩏剈䉋弲〰㡟瘲㍮ㅟ㌱弰㐸᠀䨮⁗慴⸠偯汬⸠䍯湴⸠䙥搮Ȁ㔱ㄸㄸⴱ㠲㌄1㤷㤊1㤷㤭〰ⴰ fā搀ĂಈȀĀ挀ǟ㠀ǟ㔀─┃最Ā䜀漀氀搀洀愀₱?ꀈ吀ǟ䴂㜀ȁဉĀ䜀漀氀搀洀愀渀 䨀⸀䌀⸀ 愀渀搀 儀甀椀渀戀礀 䠀⸀䰀⸀ ㄀㤀㜀㤀⸀ 倀栀礀琀漀瀀氀愀渀欀琀漀渀 爀攀挀漀瘀攀爀礀 愀昀

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