
For the first time in Ukrainian journalism, the issue of totalitarian journalism has been outlined. The basis of the analysis is the archival materials of the Chernivtsi regional newspaper «Soviet Bukovyna» founded in 1940, which was re-registered in 1991 with the name «Bukovyna». The specifics of the formation of the assets of «pen workers» during the Soviet era are clarified; the qualitative composition of the staff, the reasons for their turnover and the typical types of journalists of that time were analyzed; information about the trials and investigations of journalists who were widely used against them in accordance with the legislation of 1940 wasintroduced into scientific circulation; biographical portraits of individuals are given. The personnel policy of the Bolshevik Party in the western Ukrainian territories annexed on the eve of World War II had its own specifics. The editors-in-chief of the newly formed newspapers were usually verified personnel sent from the eastern regions. They were selected primarily for the most important ideological qualities – loyalty to the cause of the Bolshevik Party, the ability to pursue its policy in the entrusted case. Literary abilities, accurate knowledge of the specifics of the journalistic craft, practical experience in this field were desirable, but not decisive. With the enactment of a strict law in 1940 on criminal liability for breach of labor discipline, delays in work without good reason, the cases of a number of journalists were transferred to the district courts at the place of work. In the first postwar years, the Central Committee of the party strongly encouraged local party committees to issue to functionaries of the ideological front so-called party vouchers for work in newspaper editorial offices. Keywords: journalism of the totalitarian era, newspaper «Soviet Bukovyna», cadres of journalism, types of Soviet journalists, trials and investigations against journalists, journalistic destinies.

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