
The main purpose of this article is to investigate the meaning of Titus 3:5b (?σωσ?ν ?μ?? δι? λουτρο? παλιγγ?ν?σ?α? κα? ?νακαιν?σ?ω πν??ματο? ?γ?ου) and to propose a new possibility for Korean translation of the verse. As far as I am concerned, the existing official Korean translations of the Bible (NKRV, CT, RNKSV, and Bible[2005]) which are used in Korean Protestant Church and the Roman Catholic Church do not deliver the meaning of the verse satisfactorily. <BR> In order to reach the goal, this study, first, looks into the grammatical structure of the verse, and then, discusses the meaning of the following terms: “washing” (λουτρ?), “regeneration” (παλιγγ?ν?σ?α), and “renewal” (?νακα?νωσι?). I argue that both “regeneration” and “renewal” are dependent on “washing”, and that this “washing” is the only act of God. “Regeneration” and “renewal” are, then, two different aspects of a single event (“washing”), which can be understood as a Spirit-baptism. Thus there is no need to assume that there is a series of events in God’s salvation program: water-baptism (“washing of rebirth”) and confirmation (“renewal of the Holy Spirit”).<BR> Just as “regeneration” and “renewal” cannot be separated from the “washing”, so are they from the Holy Spirit. Therefore the role of the Holy Spirit is not restricted to the “renewal.” The Holy Spirit is an agent that effects the regeneration and renewal and accomplishes the process of the salvation of God. <BR> At the end, I propose two possible Korean translations: one literal, and the other functional.<BR> (1) He saved us through the washing of regeneration and of renewal by the Holy Spirit.<BR> (2) God saved us by washing us with the Holy Spirit which gave us a new world and a new beginning.

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