
Abstract Stack effect on high-rise building have negative effect on living environment, energy and life-safety aspect. Thus,it’s necessary to find the measure to reduce the stack effect. As a result of field test on a 31-story building, a circulatingtype stack effect reduction technology was developed, which supplies air in the low stairs and discharges air in the highstairs. To evaluate the performance of this circulating type stack effect reduction technology on building stairs, a 3D numericalanalysis was carried out by using Momentum Loss Model for analyzing leakage flow between compartments in a building. Consequently, numerical analysis proved that the stack effect on building stairs was reduced by a circulating type stackeffect reduction technology. Key words Stack effect(연돌효과), High-rise building(고층건물), Pressure difference(압력차), Momentum loss model(운동량 손실 모델), Numerical analysis(수치해석)†Corresponding author, E-mail: jykim1@kict.re.kr 1. 서 론 도시가 고도화 ․ 집적화되면서 건물의 고층화 ․ 대형화 및 복합화가 급격히 진행됨에 따라 고층 건물이 증가하고 있다. 한국에서도 이러한 추세가 반영되고 있으며, Table 1과 같이 과거 5년간 매년 800~1,000 동의 고층 건물이 건설되고 있어 고층 건물의 에너지

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